The world over,there have been stories told and chronicles written,of individuals who inspired jaded masses and disillusioned communities,to fight for their rights, to stand up and challenge oppressive regimes and unfavourable status quos. We know them by name,we quote them when looking for inspiration and when retelling history.
But what about the people that were inspired? The unnamed,the unsung 'ordinary folk?''
In truth,it is they who are the heroes,the core of history,without whom,the Martin LutherKings and Wangari Maathais wouldn't be the icons they are. And it is the people that we ought to be making way for!
If any of you know this lady,you know we have waited for her album,let alone a single,for the longest while. To finally have gotten the chance to listen(exclusively too..) to what promises to be an 'on-repeat' kind of song is quite the moment of reckoning. She highlights that 'liberation will stay.' Sara Mitaru is not only an amazing singer,but hers is a message carried across a catchy tune: 'Make way for the people.' It reminds me of Che Guevara's saying, that 'liberators do not exist, the people liberate themselves.'
This,to me,is a song that encapsulates the recent history that's been experienced inNorthern Africa. The revolution lied,lies and will continue to lie with the people. A timely one,too, as we here in Kenya gear up for a politically feverish season. We allwant things to be different, but we often make the mistake of pegging our hope onan individual,or group of individuals...possibly why we are never satisfied with our leadership.
Sara calls out to make way for the people today! My interpretation of this is that if all you want to do is sit back and be pessimistic,make way for those who've had about enough of a culture of impunity,of self-serving and self-agrrandizing leaders. Make wayfor those who will hold their leaders accountable,or will do their best to.
A great song this,and hopefully it will rekindle the flames for our quest to see a better Kenya, a better Africa that can only be realized if we rise up and make that difference.
Check out the song's teaser below, and look out for the single on your airwaves!
Make Way(The Lyrics)
They Say
We're independent but they won't set us free,
They Say
We are sovereign but we shackled and chained
They Say
The future is now but the past is with us
They Say,
We are tomorrow but we're stuck in yesterday But There's a Man down
Head down
No food on his plate
Will he bow down
Stay down
To see another day
He is pinned down
Spirit down his back against the wall
so stand down stand down
Liberation will say Make Way
For the people today
Make way
Liberation will say
Make way
For the people today
Make way Liberation will stay They say,
We won't sit around we'll fight for our rights
They Say
You have trampled us enough Is enough
They say
The future is now, we leave behind the past
They Say,
We are tomorrow say goodbye to yesterday And we will stand up
Heads up
Put food on our plates
We won't bow down
Stay down
We'll find another way
We will look up stay up and push against the wall,
So rise up rise up
Liberation has said Make way
For the people today
Make way liberation will say!
©2011 Music and Lyrics by Blackman Entertainment